About the Business

Robert Cousins is a professional acupuncturist practicing at Croasdales, a well known and trusted pharmacy and chemists located in Bury St Edmunds town centre. He has a BSc Hons degree in Oriental Medicine, certification in Swedish massage and is a member of The British Acupuncture Council.

Robert provides specialised acupuncture treatments tailored to the medical requirements of each patient. Acupuncture is a process where fine needles are applied to specific points on the patient's body to stimulate their healing response and help restore its natural balance.

Robert also offers Swedish massage therapy. Swedish massage is a natural approach which represents the western standard for massage. It can be used to address medical complaints as well as provide a relaxing solution for stress.

Location & Hours

1 The Traverse, Market Square

Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1BE
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